Japan's main island shifted by 2.4 meters according to USGS

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) says Japan's main island (Honshu, comprising ~60% of Japan's area and ~80% of its population) has moved about 8 feet (or 2.4 meters) during the tragic earthquake on 11 March 2011:

If this is true, all the Japanese large scale maps will have to be updated. They say the human eye can distinguish objects on a map if their length is bigger than 0.1 mm, so in which scale the 2.4 meter shift is visible?

So 1:24,000 maps and bigger (1:10,000 etc) will have to be corrected.

It will also be interesting to see if this change is visible in the Google Maps satellite layer. I have made a screenshot of level 21 where the change should be visible within a few weeks or months, when Google updates its imagery:

Coordinates are: 35.6821332,139.752048


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